Successful Ageing - how about Clint Eastwood

Still working over 90 years of age

Curation rash of personal improvement programmes.

They are all over the place, and more or less the same. I don’t see the value in repetition, other than it jogs and unsettles and gets you going again. If there is anything new, I'll try and flag it up.

Think Young - Peta Bee, The Times, Jan 21st, says have sex once a week, do squats and climb stairs, amongst the usual.

Improve your brain at any age - Rachel Carlyle interviews Sanjay Gupta (neurosurgeon) -The Times, Jan 7th, 2023. 

New brain cells can appear and grow at any age. Regular movement is better than intense short sharp bursts eg daily walk in nature. He’s done all of the above and the benefits include better attention, improved prediction of productivity, more receptive of people and new ideas.

Natural world is a perfect remedy - Emma Ryan, Yorkshire Post, January 14th. A greater connection with nature can help with well-being (stress, anxiety and depression). 

The Peak District in partnership with 13 gps are trialling a Nature Prescription, following pilots in Edinburgh and Shetland. Offered by trained health guys including a leaflet and calendar of ideas, highlighting a number of ways to make connections with nature.

Nature prescribing is part of a wider social prescribing which includes self-help, community groups and agencies for practical and emotional support, depending on need.

                        Adrian Childs and Simon Armitage on TV winter walks. Scarborough and Robin Hoods Bay. Both mentioned the coast as a reset. I assume this is a reassessment of some kind. Neither went into detail, though Adrian did confess he'd been diagnosed with attention deficit disorder, which made sense to him. So a review of what does and doesn't make sense in their lives. Plus maybe a plan of change. Again no details. 

The 7 things that every man over 50 should be doing to stay healthy

Peta Bee again The Times, Jan 14th, 2023

  1. Lose the paunch. Harmful metabolic activity in fat coating the intra-abdominal organs. High risk of diabetes (type 2).
  2. Protect your prostate. 1in8 men get it. Usual lifestyle factors - overweight. insufficient exercise, booze, being black, family history. Age main risk. Can’t do a lot about many of these. Ian Marber recommends a load of vegetables and vitamin D (small doses).
  3. Walk further and faster every day - 6000 to 8000 steps at 100-130 steps per minute.
  4. Get 7 hrs sleep per night. Stress and financial worries main cause of poor sleep.  
  5. Lift weights. Twice weekly.
  6. Check blood pressure. 
  7. 3 consecutive alcohol-free days a week.

Reminder - Basic must do’s exercise of some sort, including weights (walking fast 30 mins x5 weekly is gold standard)

don’t sit for more than an hour

try meditation, at least spend time on breathing

get your sleep

get outside, breath and walk together in the sun and see what you can see in woods and fields

spend time with friends and relatives

and the usual - moderate drinking, keep weight down, watch salt intake

Going to give this a rest now.

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