evening light summer shadows
reflections strong deep colours
Covid respite corner
The castle is just at the end of the Main Street, perfect for a rehearsal.
Begun 1295 - building stopped, castle incomplete 1330 - Edward I ran out of money.
Nice sailing boats.
Other trips to the coast
There is nothing to do here but sit, or maybe fly a kite.
Bob went to the shop - it was full.
A scruff walked past us in Newborough car park, carrying a paddle and a plastic bag. Bob was intrigued, "Have you lost your boat?" Scruff pointed to the bag, "It's in the bag."
We deduced he had an deflated inflatable. What he said next was a stretch, "I've just been round the island." We didn't see him as any kind of athlete.
We stopped for a coffee in front of the Bulkeley Hotel. Waitress service. Three people sat next to us had been waiting a long time. But now the coffee bar was shut - too busy. But there's only five guys here. The others then left.
I took a toilet stop in the hotel when we'd finished. The lounge was totally mobbed.
I went to catch the Lions v SAa result. A local pub. Too late it was over. Could I get any common sense out of the drinkers? No. We'd won and we'd lost. Scattered? Taking the piss? Didn't like the English? All of the above.
Older role model - Ronnie Wood
Michael Odell, Times July 17th.
Born 1947. Face like a walnut. Still recording and planning a tour.
Two lung cancers, surgery and medically clear (30 a day).
7 stints in rehab for drug and alcohol problems.
Gardening in lockdown. Charity work for Tusk. Author.
He keeps a bookmark with a quote from
Albert Einstein - 'I never think about the future, it comes soon enough.'
As an aside - Jagger had aortic valve surgery in 1919.
Latest exercise advice
From Peta Bee, Times July 19th. How to keep a healthy heart.
Is there anything we don't already know?
Mostly cut down on stuff - salt, red meat, alcohol, smoking (stop).
Start/increase fatty fish, green leafy veg, yoga/meditation, two and a half hours a week cardio.
Do you measure your waistline? The tummy can be a reserve of highly active metabolic shit. Better measure than BMI. Less Than 37-40 inch men; 31.5-34.6 women. As I recall the issue is where you measure. Mine is 36-38 (through the naval) depending how strong my abs feel.
Reassuringly don't overdo it. Risk of atrial fibrillation. If you are worried, check with your doc.
This sort of stuff keeps coming. I have consistently suggested find a programme that suits you and do it regularly.