senior moments and more encouragement for older person's exercise

just another ageing rocker

Lisa Verrico, the Times Aug 3 2019: 'After a gig; the old-timers just want a Horlicks and get to bed. There are no shenanigans ...'
  Super review of the top older rockers from Clapton and Jagger through Iggy Pop and Grace Jones. All over 70. Touring is in their DNA, but no longer with the excesses of youth. Less, more organised travelling, fewer gigs, better diets and some exercise. Jagger is OTT exercise-wise however and he never stops moving on stage whereas Clapton doesn't move a muscle.
  And they are all nicer as people.
  Whatever happened to 'Hope I die before I get old'.


Last week at Ribby Hall holiday village, Lytham, playing soccer with 6 year old Jenson, I fell over like a sack of spuds. Last year I would have rolled in mid air and landed smoothly on my back.


A bit late - Judith Woods, the Telegraph, 28 June: 'Later-life fitness is a great idea - so what is stopping us?'
  Best start when you are a bit younger - not much good for older exercise first-timers. 150 minutes a week recommended by a recent Cambridge University study (previous guidelines agree; approx half an hour 5 times a week).
  It needs a schedule - '... time spent keeping fit ... should be treated as a precious resource and allocated accordingly.'
  Physical fitness, with attention to diet, makes a major contribution to staying well - '... the most meaningful investment you can make ... '
  Clic here to review the guidelines.


I recently discovered why workers on building sites always seem to be moving rubble from one end of the site to another. It's because legal dumping costs a fortune. My chiropodist said so. Recent articles in the press suggest chiropodists are in short supply and yet are crucial to the planet. I can vouch for foot care.

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