Garden Glimpses

Wild and cultivated. The middle one is a present from grandson Jenson. The bamboo has just had some babies. Nearly as tall as the original plant.
Buddleia maturing, rescue geranium and wheelbarrow thriving.

A potato has appeared. Stretching sunflowers. The childbride got them for free and planted them, not thinking they would do much. Over the weeks she has got more and more neurotic about them. In and out of the wind and obsessive watering. And, no sunflowers.
Awayday - Pugney's near Wakefield
Pirate ship on land and sunk. Busy playground. There's a strange woman as well. Amazing, but true, we met Alan Brierley and Ann - they look well and Ann is tickled by her new grandchild, not physically yet. Alan looks very well.
Current Events
Trump is a nob. It's official. The childbride says so.
This week has been deafness week. Pete has become stone deaf. He was deaf anyway, but it's now much worse and the frequency of 'yer what' and 'eh' is at screaming point (for the rest of us). Coffee/pilates member, Greg, has a sister who spends a lot of time deaf because of the long time taken by the local NHS clinic to replace her aid. I go deaf every 6 months or so because of wax. The surgery receptionist said the irrigation system was broken. My gp said it wasn't but covid had stopped its use. Inconsistent information is not just for politicians and scientists then. So I'm still deaf. The syringe we bought off Amazon hasn't worked yet. The childbride thinks it's her technique. Olive oil drops alternate days are keeping me going.
Greg is also deaf and a hearing aid devotee. He uses Specsavers and now, so does his sister. It's a different business model based on customers and service.
Talking of 1950s summer holidays. Greg was raised on a remote rural Oxfordshire farm. Enough said. Lockdown has not fazed him.
Greg's grandson is a marketing graduate who is trying to help me put out this blog. Polite and full of ideas. I'm doing my best to follow. Greg tells me that my problem is doing too much - keep it simple. I confess. He is an old school marketeer who gets the overall digital message from his grandson, if not the detail.
We both agree that hanging on to a sense of purpose helps to stay sane as well as safe. I need to write 'focus' somewhere unmentionable.
Hi Dave, Had similar ear wax issues a few months ago. Solution was a mix of old school and left field ideas. A few days of olive oil drops then my Giotto Q-Ball air blower designed for removing dust from camera lenses etc. Removed the plug on the rubber ball, filled with warm water, inserted nozzle into my ear and sqeezed the ball. Messy but effective. Wax in the bathroom washbasin was testament to it's success.
ReplyDeleteSteve F.