Staying safe lockdown week22

 Garden glimpses

stay true to yourself
keep as trim as you can
sing and dance a safe space
don't let the covid in

things have not changed
sit tight when you’re called 
rules are still there for reasons 
we must all get along

There may be those who think my cricketers are a problem because they are all men and all white. I can only apologise. Ladies and people of colour also need to follow the guidelines.

Those of you who think that the pics trivialise PPE, they are actually folded tissues that were then used for blowing noses as per the guidelines.

You would not be amazed by the unpleasantness on social media about guidelines and how people do or do not follow them. 


We had a rogue potato plant next to a potted fir tree which provided us with one rogue spud.


Senior Moments

For some strange reason I rarely finish a meal without spilling something down my trousers, despite PPE. The childbride says it is because I sit too far away from the table. Mind you by Friday I have a pictorial if sketchy record/memoire of my week's menus.

Lidl and paying for my lager. "Please press enter" requested the checkout lady. My credit card bounced twice - I hadn't memorised my new pin - bless the Amazon Prime scammer and my card replacement. So to the debit card. It bounced immediately "Please insert it the right way round." Not going well and feeling like a prune. Okay right way in and pin keyed in. "Please press enter." OMG I needed a hole to appear and for me to drop into it.
"Thank you" I said quietly. "No problem, have a nice day." The next customer was already being processed.

Anyone else mix up their toiletries? Having stuff made by the same company makes you more vulnerable. Take my anti-perspirant. In a muddled moment it is possible to mix it up with the shaving cream. Not too bad if you spray your face with an aerosol. But, a minor disaster, especially for the childbride, cleaning up the bathroom carpet gooey with white cream. My right armpit was ready for a shave however.


Staying active

A great letter in the Times this week, from Heather Wilson, Bath. Treating anxiety in her experience comes in threes: daily exercise (yoga, dog walking), social activity (singing in a choir) and helping others (volunteering). They may interact. More useful to her than cognitive behavioural therapy.
'Sometimes just keeping busy, and the mind actively engaged, can benefit more than analysis.'

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